Service Organizations
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Driving Directions:
Located next door to the Johnston County Courthouse, on Market Street, approximately 4.0 miles from Exit 95 on I-95, East Market Street, Smithfield, NC
About Us
Guardian ad Litem Volunteers are trained as child advocates for abused and neglected children. These child advocates are paired with attorney advocates, supported by staff, who work together to champion a child's needs in court. Child advocates promote a safe and permanent home for children. A child with a GAL Advocate is much less likely to re-enter the foster care system.
- As of March 25, 2020, 56 Johnston County Children are awaiting the assignment of their GAL Advocate
- In Johnston County, 23 black children, 2 Hispanic children and 29 white children are awaiting the assignment of a GAL.
- 23 Girls and 35 boys are awaiting the assignment of their GAL in Johnston County
- Currently, there are 50 Johnston County Citizen volunteers serving as GALs.
- Visit for more information and to submit your application.
Rep/Contact Info
Donia Schmiege
GAL Supervisor
- Phone: (919) 209-5553