New Options for Health Insurance for Small Business
In a major win for small businesses across the state, legislation to broaden the type of organization that is eligible to offer a health insurance product to its members passed in November. Once live, this will create the opportunity to offer health insurance to small businesses with 2 to 50 employees, a substantial market that suffers from incredibly high health insurance costs. This product will fill a need in the small business health insurance market and give business owners the opportunity to grow
The ''Will of the People'' Mr. Will Crocker
Distinguished Citizen Award Presented to Will Crocker by Chandler Pernell at the Annual Meeting on January 26th, 2015. Our second Distinguished Citizen Award will be given to someone who has served Johnston County and the Smithfield-Selma area for his entire life. The award also is sponsored by Woody’s Computing Service. When my parents first moved back to Smithfield, they became this gentleman’s new (almost next door) neighbor. My parents moved into another house before I was born, so he was never