TOWN OF SELMA - Effective April 1, 2021, Mr. Brent Taylor will assume the position of Selma Town Manager.
Mr. Taylor comes to Selma from Walhalla, South Carolina where he is currently serving as City Administrator. His efforts there were devoted to securing the long-term future of the city by obtaining funding for a Water Treatment facility, increasing economic and cultural activities in the Downtown District, approving ordinances to provide investment incentives, implementing more effective zoning and code enforcement, and upgrading capital equipment.
He actively participated in organizations such as Main Street South Carolina, Oconee Economic Alliance, Chamber of Commerce, and Palmetto Conservation Foundation.
Mr. Taylor received an Undergraduate Degree in Marketing and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Western Carolina University.
He enjoys working with people and is an excellent listener. He comes with a focus on serving. In his words, he “looks forward to serving the people of Selma and assisting them in shaping it into the town they want it to be.”
We are excited and proud that he will be joining Team Selma.
Mayor Cheryl Oliver and Selma Town Councilmembers
Cheryl Oliver Mayor
- March 11, 2021
- (919) 965-9841