SMITHFIELD, North Carolina — The Greater Smithfield-Selma Area Chamber of Commerce culminated its 2016 year at its 47th Annual Meeting with a farewell bid to its President of 30 years, Rick Childrey; recognitions of members who earned special honors; and, a passing of the gavel from 2016 Board Chair Dr. Dwight Morris, Executive Director of the Johnston County Partnership for Children, to 2017 Board Chair Corina Knott, Senior Account Executive with Interstate Outdoor, Inc.
Knott expressed excitement about leading the charge to Connect, Grow, and Prosper, the Chamber’s new mission-driven slogan.
Childrey, who recently celebrated 30 years with the Chamber, was presented with gifts and “roasted” after the meeting kicked off with a reception in his honor.
The night’s honorees were as follows:
Johna Faulconer: Howard Best award for outstanding contributions to the work of the Board of Directors
Chris Collins: Ambassador of the Year, for his time and commitment to help other chamber members recognize and take full advantage of their member benefits.
Tara Dunn and Bob Hinnant: Jimmy Creech Small Business Persons of the Year award, for success, longevity, and commitment to the community.
Crystal Kimpson Roberts: Athena Award for achieving excellence in her field of work and for reaching out and opening a way for others.
Jessica Davis: Citizen of the Year, for bringing her vision of creating the Junior Women's League of Smithfield to fruition.
Eric Brownlee and Cheryl Oliver: Distinguished Citizen honorees, for their unwavering dedication and service to the communities they serve.
Leo Daughtry, Linwood Parker, and Durwood Stephenson were also recognized with the Bonsai Award for Vision and Courage in their continuous commitment to positive economic growth in Johnston County.
Life Memberships were awarded to Rick Childrey, Bruce Edwards, Becky Guin, Carl Lamm, Jullian Marshall, Dicky Parrish, Pat Proctor, and Donald Wallace.

PHOTO: (Front Row) Bob Hinnant, Crystal Roberts, Cheryl Oliver, Jessica Davis, Carl Lamm, Julian Marshall; (Back Row) Tara Dunn, Eric Brownlee, Chris Collins, Durwood Stephenson, Dwight Morris, Linwood Parker, Johna Faulconer
Triangle East Chamber of Commerce
Kelly Wallace Director of Operations
- February 07, 2017
- (919) 934-9166
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