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Business and Community Leaders Join Chamber of Commerce to Launch Regional Economic Prosperity Initiative

Triangle East Prospers Campaign Announces It Has Secured Over 50% of Campaign Goal from Early Investors

On Tuesday, Johnston County business and community leaders joined the Triangle East Chamber of Commerce  to launch the public phase of a $1.3 million campaign to fund a new regional economic prosperity initiative, Triangle East Prospers. This transformative, five-year private-public partnership will ensure Johnston County’s future success in economic and community development through three specific goals:
  • Goal 1: Develop, Retain and Attract Talent
  • Goal 2: Break Down Talent Barriers
  • Goal 3: Grow Businesses, Jobs and Investment
Campaign Co-Chairs Marcia Armstrong (Armstrong Law Firm, PA) and Kevin Dougherty (AdVenture Development, LLC) welcomed guests at the Kickoff breakfast at the Selma Civic Center. The Chairs, TEC President, and CEO, Maureen McGuinness, unveiled Triangle East Prospers vision and highlighted campaign progress to date. Johnston County Commission Chairman, Butch Lawter, Jr., expressed his support for the campaign and the importance of strong public-private partnerships.
“Economic growth and community prosperity require collaboration,” said Commissioner Lawter, who delivered a testimonial on the importance of public-private partnerships. “By investing in our people, businesses, and infrastructure, we can lead the change necessary to sustain Johnston County’s continued success. Triangle East Prospers aligns with the County’s priorities . . . I encourage our business community, local organizations, and government leaders to work together, share ideas, and invest in this effort.”
Frank B. Holding Jr., CEO of First Citizens Bank, provided a keynote address, emphasizing the importance of the Triangle East Prospers initiative: “First Citizens was founded as the Bank of Smithfield in 1898, and we remain just as committed today to the people and businesses of Johnston County as we were then.”
Highlighting the success of similar economic development initiatives in neighboring communities, Holding emphasized the strong return on investment such programs provide. “Johnston County was the fastest-growing county in North Carolina over the last five years. With a growth trajectory like that, continued business development has never been more important. I’m excited to see the Triangle East Chamber embark on this effort, and First Citizens is glad to be part of it.”
“We are grateful for the support of our early investors and look forward to new investors joining us over the next few months. We are already at 53% of our goal – this is tremendous progress in a short period of time. We officially kick off the campaign with significant momentum. Thank you to our early supporters.” Dougherty said. “Triangle East Prospers builds on our past success and moves Johnston County forward, ensuring we will continue to be a place where businesses prosper and find the talent and resources they need to grow and re-invest in our community,” McGuinness said. “But to do this, we must tackle our challenges and most pressing problems head-on. That’s why it’s so important for the private sector to step up and support what the public sector has already invested in.”
The kickoff marked the launch of the public phase of the campaign being conducted by Atlanta-based POWER 10 and campaign volunteers.

Anyone interested in learning more about the campaign can visit or
contact Campaign Director Sean Carroll at