Advertising and MarketingBusiness ServicesChamber of Commerce ConsultingOffice and Administrative Services
- 1115 Outlet Center Drive Smithfield NC 27577
- (919) 934-9166
- (919) 934-1337
- Send Email
- Triangle East Chamber of Commerce
Monday - Friday
9:00am to 4:00pm
Driving Directions:
Located on the west side of I-95 between exits 95 & 97 on Outlet Center Drive, in front of Carolina Premium Outlets, beside Cracker Barrel.
About Us
The Triangle East Chamber of Commerce leads our communities toward sustainable economic growth, advocates a pro-business climate for our members, builds upon the educational foundations of the Triangle East Region, and establishes and executes our communities’ vision.
We are a lead convener and catalyst for making Johnston County a location of choice for businesses and workers by directly supporting the growth and expansion of existing employers, serving a strong business advocate, building a community attractive to businesses, workers, residents, students and tourists.
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