Non-Profit Organizations
Driving Directions:
The Junior Women's League of Smithfield meets the third Thursday of the month September through June, excluding December, at the Johnston Medical Mall in the First Citizens Bank Auditorium.
About Us
The Junior Women's League of Smithfield is a nonprofit organization of women dedicated to Johnston County and committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. We welcome women of all races, religions, and natural origins who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to voluntarism. Since our inception in 2015, JWL has been dedicated to improving the communities in which we live through our outreach programs and initiatives. As a 100% volunteer-run nonprofit, we are honored to have stood beside so many amazing local organizations to identify and fulfill the ever-changing and growing needs of Johnston County through voluntarism and financial support.
Rep/Contact Info
Katie Frederick
VP of Public Relations
- Phone: (984) 201-2041