About Us
Welcome to Johnston County Public Schools! Our district serves more than 37,000 students in grades pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade. Doubling the student population in the past 15 years, Johnston County’s growth is due to the excellent education JCPS provides to our students. We enjoy strong community support through funding for new schools, partnerships with business and faith based organizations, and fabulous parental involvement. What are the results of this support? Our graduation rate has climbed by more than 13 percent in the past four years, while our dropout rate has fallen by nearly 50 percent in the same period. We are proud of our 214 Nationally Board Certified teachers. Johnston County Public Schools is accredited by AdvancEd, meaning that our graduates are prepared to be accepted into the finest universities and colleges. Extracurricular activities abound through strong arts and athletics programs. Global is not just a buzz word in our vision statement. Our diverse culture includes over 45 languages spoken by students and their families. The Participate Program provides teachers from around the world and many of our schools are involved in global partnership programs. It is our commitment to live our vision as we empower all students to become successful in a global society!
Rep/Contact Info

David Allen
Executive Director of External Partnerships and Strategic Planning
- Phone: (919) 934-4361 x1096
- Send an Email

Barretta Haynes McLean
Director of Career & College Promise (CCP)
- Phone: (919) 209-2058
- Send an Email

Brian Jones
Executive Director of Student Assignment & Information Systems
- Phone: (919) 934-2016 x7005
- Send an Email

Reno Palombit
Director of Career & Technical Education (CTE)
- Phone: (919) 980-4562 x106
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David Pearce
Assistant Superintendent of Administrative and Auxiliary Services
- Phone: (919) 934-6032 x8012
- Send an Email