According to data from the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation, 80 percent of a business' future workforce comes from a 20 mile radius of its location. This means you can start to shape your future workforce NOW.
Join the Triangle East Chamber of Commerce, members of the Career and Technical Education department of Johnston County Public Schools, Johnston Community College and the University of Mount Olive to learn how your business can benefit from interns and apprentices. High school juniors and seniors as well as college students are available now to work with your business.
Hear from local businesses that have utilized interns and apprentices. Think you don't have time to host an intern? Learn how interns have completed projects for local businesses freeing up staff time.
Have all of your questions and concerns about internships and apprenticeships answered. We will address paid vs unpaid internships, liability, supervision and more.
If you don't find the time to invest in internships today you'll have a harder time with the skills gap in the future.
A partnership of the Benson, Clayton and Triangle East Chambers of Commerce
Date and Time
Wednesday Feb 1, 2023
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
Virtual - Registered guests will receive the Zoom Link the day before the event.
There is no charge to attend but pre-registration is required. Only those registered before January 31 will receive the zoom link.