"What greater work is there than training the mind and forming the habits of the young?"
These profound words were uttered by the Christian Saint John Chrysostom in 400 A.D. And they are just as relevant today as they were 1600 years ago.
Because of the importance of teachers in developing and educating children, the Triangle East Chamber of Commerce has adopted the Flame For Learning Award. In so doing, it is our goal to support and elevate the teaching profession in the public schools. This award recognizes outstanding creativity and innovation in the classroom and nominees are selected strictly on merit, without regard to school or residence. The recipient of the award is named the Johnston County Teacher of the Year and will represent the Johnston County Public School System in the North Carolina Teacher of the Year competition.
Help us celebrate and honor our teachers!
2023 Flame for Learning Semifinalists
This program requires sponsorship dollars, much of which is given to the semifinalists in the form of prize money.
All sponsors will be recognized during the award ceremony. If you have questions, please let me know. Thank you for supporting our teachers as the true professionals they are and the passion they exhibit each day in the classroom.
Thank you for supporting our TEACHERS!
Event Sponsors
Silver Sponsor

Event Sponsors
Date and Time
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
Sponsorships Available:
These sponsorships help provide the prize money that is distributed to the 20 teachers recognized at the award ceremony.
Individual Registration: $30
Contact Information
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