Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm
Sat & Sun: 10am - 5pm
Driving Directions:
EXIT 97 at the intersection of I-95 and HWY 70 Business. In the JR Cigar shopping center.
About Us
The Spa & Pool Outlet has the best selection of hot tubs, above ground pools, grills, poly patio furniture, pool tables and game room accessories in the Raleigh – Durham – Fayetteville metro. We have the largest display of hot tubs in North Carolina. We service what we sell, and our prices can't be beat.
We have an in-store water analysis lab, and we stock all of the chemicals, filters, parts, accessories and toys for you pool or hot tub.
Visit our Selma, NC super store and let our knowledgeable staff assist you in making a great buying decision. From the patio to the porch, the backyard to the man cave... The Spa & Pool Outlet has the products that make staying at home fun and enjoyable.
