2025 Flame For Learning Award Celebration
The Flame For Learning Award supports and elevates the teaching profession in the public schools by recognizing outstanding creativity and innovation in the classroom. The recipient of the award is named Johnnston County's Teacher of the Year.
2025 Triangle East ATHENA Leadership Award Dinner
The Triangle East Chamber of Commerce is proud to celebrate professional leadership at their annual ATHENA Leadership Award Banquet on Thursday, October 9. Join us as we celebrate our award nominees and announce our 2025 award recipient.
2025 Triangle East Chamber Annual Meeting
Triangle East Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting with Gary Salamido as our keynote speaker. Enjoy a morning of networking, celebrate the Chamber’s accomplishments over the past year, and gain valuable insights on how to maximize your Chamber investment for business growth.
2025 Triangle East State of the Region
Join us at the 2025 State of the Region Breakfast. This interactive event will feature County and business leaders as they discuss innovative projects in the county as well as challenges facing local government and industry. Attendees will have the opportunity to be a part of strategic solutions based conversations that will guide the Chamber and community leadership as the county grows and evolves.